Siyum Ha-Shas

Posted on July 22, 2012

     The beauty of the Siyum Ha-Shas, in addition to the actual completion of so much Torah study, is the unification of the Jewish people when we all gather to celebrate this momentous occasion which takes place every seven years.  Jews from all walks of life come together to celebrate with one another, and the achdus we have at this time is truly a memorable one.  As such, it is truly worth it to be present at a Siyum HaShas celebration!  A celebration of the Completion of the 12thDaf Yomi cycle will be taking place Monday August 6th from 7:00 – 10:00 pm at Congregation Sheartih Israel on Central Park West / 70thStreet.  I urge everyone to attend so that we can all be together sharing in this exciting moment and feeling unified with our fellow Jews.