Jewish Organizations Should Focus on Building Great Organizational Cultures

Posted on August 8, 2012

     A greater organizational culture can bring better candidates to the workplace and a better environment for both workers and the target-market.  “Google, Starbucks, or Zappos…are places…with great cultures that encourage innovation, embody the organization’s brand, and drive success.”  This article makes the point that there aren’t many Jewish organizations with outstanding cultures.  In this article, David Bernstein gives tips on how to create a more cohesive culture in your organization.  Among them are taking out employees to lunch, agreeing upon values of the organization and trying to live up to them as best as one can, and not being afraid to let people go.  This article is filled to the brim with helpful information and everyone can benefit from reading this whether you be in the nonprofit world or the business sector.  We all can use help on creating a cohesive group and remaining true to our vision of who we want to be in the organization and amongst ourselves.