Guide to Giving: A Tzedakah Resource For Teens

Posted on August 9, 2012

website builder      The Jewish Communal Fund came out with a “Guide to Giving: A Tzedakah Resource For Teens.”  I find this to be an extremely useful resource for any teen who wants to get involved with tzedakah and chesed but isn’t sure how to go about making it happen.  The guide includes what the Jewish tradition tells us about the best way to giving tzedakah according to Rambam’s ladder of levels of tzedakah.  Another page asks teens to consider which values and issues they care most about and would like to support.  Some values include creativity, equality, knowledge, tolerance, religion.  Next, the Jewish Communal Fund lists causes that could be of interest and asks teens to consider supporting such things as suicide prevention, disaster relief, gangs, and the environment.  Finally, the back page explains how to go about finding organizations that directly address the issues the teen cares about.  Kol Hakavod to the Jewish Communal Fund for putting out such a comprehensive and easy to use guide for teens!  Our work with teens has showed us that their generation is a giving one who we expect to see great things from.