Posted on February 21, 2013
A colleague posted this video on Facebook. You may be one of the thousands of people who have seen it. For those that have not I encourage you to take 3:32 to watch it. It is a save the date video for a Bar Mitzvah. I applaud the creativity, time and passion that was put into this but think that the Bar Mitzvah boy and his family could have spent their talents and resources more effectively.
People need to remember that what they highlight and showcase expresses their values for all to see.
While I was told by the production company that it “only” cost $2,000 to make this video I know that the conversations and programs it encourages me and others to have and develop as a result of this will yield a much better return.
Also all those oy’s were annoying and if he had only said it once I could have said dayenu or enough.