1 day left to be listed on Scroll of Honor

Posted on April 16, 2013

We are gearing up for our Second Annual Bergen County Breakfast honoring Rebecca Sanders and Tzippy & Ezra Hiller.  The breakfast will take place this Sunday, April 21st at Congregation Bnai Yeshurun.  The breakfast will begin at 9:30am with the formal program commencing at 10:30am.  We thank the donors listed below for their participation and support and invite you to join them in honoring Rebecca Sanders, Tzippy & Ezra Hiller and in supporting Areyvut’s work in the community.  The deadline for inclusion in the Scroll of Honor is tomorrow Wednesday, April 17th at noon.  If you would like to attend, make a contribution or for more information, please visit https://areyvut.org/events/?id=230 or contact us (201) 244-6702 or info@areyvut.org

Michael & Robin Baer
Sander & Meira Bak
Mendel & Ariela Weiss Balk
Daniel Barenholtz & Yael Bloom
Nachum & Sara Leah Barishansky
Mordechai & Naomi Bodek
Chaim & Yosifa Book
Peter & Marsha Brody
Fred & Joyce Claar
Daniel & Judith Cukor
Moshe & Sharon Davidowitz
Kevie & Margit Feit
Eli & Meryl Feldblum
Adam & Roberta Fried
Jonathan & Alisa Gellis
Zvi & Elise Ginsberg
Stephen & Marcy Glicksman
Scott & Rahel Goldberg
David & Phyllis Goldschmidt
Dov & Naomi Greenblatt
Robert & Abigail Gross
Gabe & Miriam Hermann
Arnon & Kena Hiller
Dani & Sharon Hiller
Renate Hirsch
Yisroel & Shira Hochberg
Harvey & Madelyn Ingber
Aviva Itzkowitz
Jeffrey & Alisa Kigner
Jeffrey & Laurie Kilimnick
Ellie & Nicole Kinches
Kenneth & Barbara Klaristenfeld
Jeremy & Rebecca Kurz
David & Adina Lederer
Rachel Lendner
Alan Levine
Bruce & Cindy Lish
Bernard & Annette Prager
Yossi & Sara Prager
Rabbi Leonard & Margaret Matanky
Michigan City Property
David & Tami Miller
Morah Tzippy’s 2013 Nursery Class
Aryeh & Gabi Moskowitz
David & Freeda Muller
Mark Orenshein & Debbie Pine
Daniel & Chani Oshinsky
Platinum Health Care, LLC
Jonathan & Sheila Resnick
Daniel & Amy Rothner
Merrill & Laura Rotter
Alain & Amy Sanders
Richard & Loretta Schwartz
David & Margi Saks
Robert & Maren Scharf
Yaakov & Sari Sheinfeld
Yudy & Mugsy Sheinfeld
Dara Silver
Jonathan & Leah Silver
Alan & Dina Stein
Larry & Chana Stiefel
Temple Emeth ECC Sunshine
Jeff & Chava Traurig
Robert & Ofra Wind
Josh & Leah Wisotsky
Noah & Marilyn Wolff
Ira & Grunny Zlotnick

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