Developing Our Future

Posted on June 27, 2013

Venessa Miemis claims that we all need to have a sense of where we are going if we want to be successful and valued.  But how does one do this?  She lists three steps to develop ourselves and our futures.  First, discover yourself and what drives you, what you are passionate about.  Doing what you enjoy is key to being successful.  Then, explore your possibilities and think about in which kind of environments you thrive.  It is always important to evaluate and assess yourself and what surroundings work best for you.  Lastly, make a plan for what you want your life to look like in the near and far future.  What will you be doing?  What will you be accomplishing?  We should always be looking at ourselves and thinking ahead.  Hopefully in this way we can always work on ourselves and build a brighter future for ourselves and our world.