Hug Thy Neighbor

Posted on January 20, 2014

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day falls out every year on the third Monday of January. I don’t think it is any coincidence that this year, that happens to be January 20- only one day before National Hugging Day. Now, before you laugh and close this screen, National Hugging Day is a real thing! We all hug in different ways, but all hugs mean the same thing- it’s a form of support, displaying concern, and a way of showing companionship.

Legislation signed in 1983 by the  Federal Government, made MLK Day a day to not only remember a great leader and role model, but also a day for the country to come together and work to make Dr. King’s vision a reality. As the MLK government website explains:

“Dr. King believed in a nation of freedom and justice for all, and encouraged all citizens to live up to the purpose and potential of America by applying the principles of nonviolence to make this country a better place to live—creating the Beloved Community.

The MLK Day of Service is a way to transform Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and teachings into community action that helps solve social problems. That service may meet a tangible need, or it may meet a need of the spirit. On this day, Americans of every age and background celebrate Dr. King through service projects that strengthen communities, empower individuals, bridge barriers, and create solutions.”

Dr. King’s ultimate dream was that all men and women- regardless of race, gender, and creed- would be united under peace and harmony. Dr. King wanted all of G-d’s children to support one another, work together, and form the ultimate partnership that could never be broken. And what is the most basic symbol of support, protection, and trust? A hug.