7 Questions to Ask Parents at the Beginning of the Year

Posted on September 15, 2014

These 7 questions are useful for teachers to ask their students’ parents at the beginning of the year to help gain insight into the children and their needs.  Read the article, by Elena Aguilar in Edutopia, for more.

1. What do you see as your child’s greatest strengths or skills?  Tell me about a time when you saw your child distributing these skills.

2. Next June what do you hope your child says about his/ her experience in school this year?  What’s the story you hope he/she would tell?

3. What was your experience like in this grade?  How do you remember that year of school?

4. What are your fears or concerns about your child in this year of school?

5. How and when would you like me to be in touch with you this year?  What do you hope I’d communicate with you about?

6. Is there anything else you can tell me about your child that you think would help me support his/her learning?

7. Is there a question you hope I’ll ask you about your child?