A Kindness a Day
Friday – November 5, 2010
28 Cheshvan 5771
Be quick to forgive those who have wronged you, especially family members.
“I loved you, said the L-rd, and you said, ‘How have You loved us?'”
(Malachi 1:2)
Areyvut’s Mitzvah Clowning Program is returning to its roots…Bergen County! We are happy to announce that our kickoff and training program for this year will take place this coming Sunday. The program will run through June 2011, with participants going on friendly visits twice a month to local senior living facilities. This program is geared for children (6th grade and up, exceptions are made), teens and adults.
Immediately following the initial Mitzvah Clown Training, participants will have a friendly visit at the Jewish Center of Teaneck with individuals from the Kaplen JCC Center for Older Adults.
Date: Sun., Nov. 7
Time: 10:00am – 2:30pm
Training & Site Visit Location:
Jewish Center of Teaneck
70 Sterling Place
Teaneck, NJ 07666
Participants in this program will receive a clown costume, clown kit (clown make-up, mirror, clown nose, etc.), balloons, balloon pumps and more. Mitzvah Clowns learn about the importance of bikkur cholim (visiting the sick) and how to interact with senior citizens, children with special needs and patients who are hospitalized. Please click here for a tentative friendly visit schedule.
The participation fee for this program is $250 and includes clown costume, clown kit, balloons, etc. for the duration of the program (through June 2011). Sponsorships are available. Click here to register.
For more information about this program, please contact us at
Join Areyvut for our 5th Annual Uncle Moishy Concert!
Date: Fri., Dec. 31
Time: 10:00 – 11:30am
Location: Congregation Beth Sholom
354 Maitland Avenue
Teaneck, NJ 07666
Tickets are on SALE now for as low as $18.00 per ticket!
Hurry! Purchase your tickets now before prices go up!
For more information about this event, please contact us at
Areyvut’s 2nd Annua l Bnai Mitzvah Video Essay Contest
now through December 31, 2010 for your chance to win awesome prizes!
Click here for video submission information, rules, guidelines and prize details. For more information, please contact an Areyvut representative at (201) 244-6702 or [email protected].
147 South Washington Ave.
Bergenfield, NJ 07621
P: (201) 244-6702
F: (201) 338-2427
Upcoming Events
Teaneck, NJ
November 7
Great Neck, NY
November 10
New York, NY
November 14
November 25
Westfield, NJ
November 30
Teaneck, NJ
December 31
December 1 – 9
Submissions Due
December 31
April 1 – 3
Anna, Noah & Julia Greenblatt
Teaneck, NJ
“A Kindness a Day” Calendar
Sign up today!
Give us your name & email address and we’ll take care of the rest!