A Kindness a Day
Shabbat – September 6, 2008
Look for the positive traits in people you encounter, and try to learn from them.
“Righteousness, righteousness you shall pursue.” (Deuteronomy 16:20)
As 5758 comes to a close we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has helped make this year Areyvut’s most successful yet. From Make a Difference Day, stretching far and wide to include over 6,000 participants on three different continents to our partnership with the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades and inaugural year of the Teen Philanthropy Institute (TPI) during which 24 students began to change the world. With the help of matching funds, they allocated $11,000 to six Bergen County organizations. Areyvut staff have also inspired over 2,000 students to take action in their communities through our Bnai Mitzvah and Chesed programming.

We wish you and your family a happy, healthy and sweet New Year. With your continued support and generous donations, we hope to make 5759 a year of continued growth and success.
Ketivah v’Chatimah Tova,
(May you be written and sealed for a good year.)
– The Areyvut Team
147 S. Washington Ave.
Bergenfield, NJ 07621
P: 201.244.6702
F: 201.338.2427
Upcoming Events
Community Service Fair
Temple Israel Center
White Plains, NY
Sept. 21
Touro College
Career Fair
Pennsylvania Hotel
New York, NY
Sept. 23
Community Service & Mitzvah Expo
Kaplen JCC on the Palisades
Tenafly, NY
Oct. 5
Chesed Fair
Yavneh Academy
Dec. 3
Areyvut Bnai Mitzvah
Dec. 26 Essay Contest Deadline
Uncle Moishy Concert
Jan. 1
Help keep our programs running…
