Don’t just count the days, let the days count

Posted on June 9, 2016

On the second night of Passover, Jewish people around the world will begin counting the 49 Days of the Omer.  It is during this time that Jews rededicate themselves to Torah and middot (good deeds) in preparation for Shavuot, beginning on the 49th day, commemorating Moshe receiving the Ten Commandments.
During this time the idea, “Don’t just count the days, let the days count” is something all of us should consider.  It is our hope that as we prepare to conclude these 49 days, we can rely on you, to contribute to Areyvut to allow us to continue our important work.  From National Mitzvah Day to Mitzvah Clowning to our Jewish Teen Philanthropy program, our work makes impacts communities near and far.  We hope you take this opportunity to make the days count and help support our community building efforts.

Need more reasons to support Areyvut?  We’ve got 49 of them…

49 Reasons to Support Areyvut
As we count the 49 days of Sefirat HaOmer from Passover to Shavuot and focus on rededicating ourselves to Torah and to making the world a better place we are pleased to present you with 49 Reasons to Support Areyvut.

  1. From National Mitzvah Day to Hands-on Chesed Fairs, we create innovative and meaningful programs.
  2. Mitzvah Clowning enables us to bring joy and smiles to senior citizens, children with special needs and others in need of a friendly visit.
  3. Our mission touches on the core Jewish values of chesed (kindness), tzedakah (charity) and tikkun olam (social action).
  4. We create leaders through Jewish Teen Philanthropy programs and our Summer Internship program.
  5. By supporting Areyvut, you are also supporting the over 100 organizations we work and partner with annually.
  6. By providing a Jewish context for national and global issues, we enable program participants to take ownership over the matters they seek to resolve.
  7. We provide and maintain a free database of nonprofit organizations, enabling students, parents, educators and communal leaders to connect to important causes in their community.
  8. Our programs engage people in their community’s needs.
  9. With your support, we can share our knowledge with others and build their capacity at conferences about service learning, Jewish communal issues, Jewish education and so much more.
  10. Our Board represents the gamut of the community and we are post denominational.
  11. When you give to Areyvut, it makes an impact…every dollar truly makes a difference.
  12. We work regularly with Bnai Mitzvah students and their families to make their celebration meaningful through chesed work and Mitzvah projects.
  13. You can earmark your donation for a specific program or project that interests you.
  14. We support Israel by partnering with many Israel based organizations.
  15. We highlight people doing cool, important and inspiring work so that others including you can be inspired by their example.
  16. The programs we create and facilitate create Jewish wow moments that last a lifetime.
  17. Our programs are personalized to meet the needs of each school, synagogue, community, celebrant and family.
  18. We are team players who give of ourselves and share our knowledge and resources with colleagues.
  19. We turn one time volunteer experiences into lifelong commitments.
  20. Areyvut’s Summer Internship Program introduces high school and college students to nonprofit work and fosters an atmosphere of acceptance and collaboration.
  21. Our YouTube videos bring hope, inspiration and smiles to all who watch them.
  22. We connect Bnai Mitzvah celebrants with organizations in need, enabling them to make an incredible impact on the lives of others and begin what we hope will be a lifelong relationship.
  23.  Areyvut’s A Kindness a Day Calendar provides thousands daily a concrete way to help others and a connection to Jewish text.
  24. We do a lot with limited resources…just check out our website.
  25. By supporting Areyvut, you show that the core Jewish values of chesed, tzedakah and tikkun olam are central to Judaism and life.
  26. We are taught that “Charity is equal in important to all other commandments combined.” (Baba Batra 9a)
  27. It will make you feel good and bring a smile to your face.
  28. Areyvut works with Jewish organizations and many nonsectarian agencies.
  29. We connect service learning with classroom learning seamlessly.
  30.  Areyvut staff, Board members, volunteers and interns practice what we preach by volunteering year round for a wide array of causes.
  31. We make Judaism relevant for children, teenagers and adults of all affiliations.
  32. Those that attend our programs are instilled with a lifelong passion for the core Jewish values of chesed, tzedakah and tikkun olam.
  33. Daily we post to our Facebook page in an effort to educate, engage, motivate and inspire others to action.
  34. With your help, we can do so much more.
  35. We unite Jews, not only to participate in programs together, but for the common good of the Jewish community and the world at large.
  36. Our works impacts the Jewish and broader community.
  37. We consult with and provide support for Jewish organizations, schools, synagogues and community centers, regardless of affiliation.
  38. Our Mitzvah Clowning program provides participants with skills they can use throughout their lives.
  39. We use Pinterest as a tool to help facilitate hands on kindness and chesed projects. 
  40. You can be responsible for helping to empower others.
  41. Our Giving2Together Family Education program enables parents to teach their children Jewish values.
  42. We constantly develop new programs and resources to best meet the needs of the community.
  43. Your support enables us to provide important and innovative programs for schools, synagogues, community centers and communal agencies.
  44. We are launching 5 Days 5 Ways, a new summer camp to enable Jewish tweens to serve others, learn and grow this summer.
  45. As a result of Areyvut’s Summer Internship Program the Jewish communal and educational world has gained highly trained and responsible professionals.
  46.  Areyvut has increased the import of service learning and values based programming in the Jewish community.
  47. Our updated website we provide even more resources for you, your family, Jewish educators, parents and teachers.
  48. We partner with Goods Day on a National Mitzvah day that engages others in hands on service throughout the country.
  49. To date since September 1, 2015 our programs have directly impacted more than 2,500 program participants and our social media channels reach thousands weekly.

Don’t just count the days, let the days count!  Support Areyvut today.