Snow Day Chesed Ideas!

Posted on February 2, 2015

A snow day is the perfect opportunity to do some chesed. There is lots of time to involve your family in projects around the house, and out there in the snow! Here are some ideas- feel free to share some of your own with us on Facebook or Twitter or email us at [email protected].

  • Check in on your elderly neighbors
  • Offer to shovel people out for a donation to your favorite charity
  • Bake challah or cookies for Shabbatot to come- freeze some, and give some to friends or to a kosher food bank
  •  Have some friends who are working from home?  Offer to take their kids for a play date
  •  Draw pictures or make cards for chayalim in Israel or soldiers in the US
  •  Make bookmarks for a local literacy program
  • Go through your book collection, and donate some books to kids in the hospital
  • Spend time with your family and do something you would not normally do. Your kids will remember their snow days the rest of their lives. Here is your chance to shape their memories and do something special- even just playing a board game can be great!
  • Go through your closet, and donate clothes you don’t wear anymore
  •  FaceTime or Skype with family members who are far away- really spend some time catching up face to face (or screen to screen!)
  • Think about how you want to improve next year and write yourself a letter and put it away in your haggadah. On Pesach you will have an opportunity to read it and reflect on who you are and what you have achieved.
  • Pray for someone who is sick
  • Make Rainbow Loom or friendship bracelets for kids in homeless shelters
  • Think of what you like to spend your time doing, and research agencies that connect to your interests.  Remember, Areyvut is always here to help at [email protected]
  •  Start your own chesed blog!

This blog post was written with the help of Dalia Kushnir, age 10