10 reasons why Areyvut should matter to you

Posted on December 4, 2014

This is the end of year letter we sent our donors.  We welcome your feedback, involvement and support. 

Areyvut- like all non-profits- relies on end of the year giving to support our work.  Here are 10 reasons why I believe that Areyvut should matter to you:

  1. We enable parents to discuss Jewish values with their children.
  2. We love and work with all Jewish people.
  3. The programs we develop are tailor-made for each audience and impact the participants.
  4. We give program participants an avenue to express their creativity.
  5. Our programs teach valuable leadership skills.
  6. We have intergenerational programs that afford participants a chance to meet and learn from one another.
  7. Our programs enable families to do chesed together.
  8. We partner with more than 150+ agencies annually.
  9. Through our A Kindness a Day Calendar we facilitate kindness every day of the year.
  10. We offer many free programs and resources to help people infuse their lives with the core Jewish values of chesed, tzedakah and tikkun olam.
Whether it’s Mitzvah Clowning, teen philanthropy, National Mitzvah Day or another one of our initiatives or programs, Areyvut gets students involved while they are young and ignites a lifelong commitment to the core Jewish values of chesed, tzedakah and tikkun olam
I am reaching out now to ask you to include Areyvut in your year-end charitable giving.  You can donate online at www.areyvut.org/donate or if you prefer, you can use the enclosed card.
More than 50% of our budget comes from individual donors like you.
Donations at all levels are appreciated. 
I encourage you to visit our website www.areyvut.org, participate in our programs www.areyvut.org/events/and partner with us in our important work.  If you know a family, synagogue or school that can benefit from Areyvut’s work, please let me know or encourage them to reach out to me directly at 201-244-6702 or [email protected].
Best wishes for an enjoyable Chanukah and a happy and healthy New Year for you and your family.
Yours truly,

Daniel Rothner

Founder & Director