Posted on June 24, 2014
The summer months are a great opportunity to continue learning even when the school year is over (for both students and teachers alike). Rather than breaking away completely from the school mindset in the vacation days of the summer, Naphtali Hoff writes about his plan to stick to the 4 R’s: reflect, read, re-imagine, and return (the favor; paying it forward).
1) Reflect – think about personal highs and lows from the year and what goals were or weren’t met. Make new goals!
2) Read – Reading is important for children and adults alike and we need to be learning new things and stimulating our mind with new ideas and dialogue with friends (think about starting a book club).
3) Re-imagine – Surf the web or visit the library to gain some fresh perspective and incorporate new things into your lessons.
4) Return (the favor; paying it forward) – Become a mentor for a new teacher at school. All teachers were new at some point and can always use the extra advice or ideas your experience can help with.