We Are All One

Posted on February 6, 2014

Shoshana, here. I just wanted to tell you all a bit about a program that Areyvut is hoping to pilot for Jewish teens in the area. As many of you already know, Areyvut’s mission is to infuse the lives of Jewish youth and teens with the core Jewish values of kindness, charity, and social action. Founded in 2002, we offer day schools, congregational schools, community centers, synagogues, and individual families with a variety of unique and innovative programs to help them make these values real and meaningful to their children.

Our newest initiative is a tolerance and acceptance course called, We Accept. Now you may ask, “Shoshana, my kids learn about the Holocaust and other genocides in school. They know about all these things!” And I would politely reply, “You can never learn enough.”

In our community, there is quite little interaction between the different denominations of Judaism. We live in harmony and may pass each other on the High Holidays, but there is a tremendous lack of understanding and coordination. We are all G-d’s people, so why do we not take advantage of this humongous Jewish community to bring together our nation?

Now, I know that I may be throwing a bunch of different topics at you- tolerance, stereotypes, cooperation, bullying, etc… but these are all issues that will be addressed in the We Accept course. We all use language we shouldn’t. We all have preconceived notions and often make judgment off these ideas. Why not try to stop the cycle? Why not open our minds?

Areyvut is using a new tactic for this program…crowdsourcing! We would truly appreciate your support with this program and ask you to donate to the program! As always, please be in touch with any questions or concerns: [email protected].

‘Til next time Areyvut friends…