Snow Day Chesed Ideas!

Posted on February 13, 2014

Are you trapped inside today? We certainly are…but all of us here at Areyvut know that just because you are trapped inside with 7 other people and no timeline of when you will see the outside world once more, doesn’t mean that acts of chesed should stop! In fact, there are some mitzvot and acts of kindness that are actually easier to accomplish when you are stuck indoors. So check out Areyvut’s list of snow day chesed ideas-

1. Check in on your neighbors, especially if they are elderly
2. Clean off your neighbor’s car (and kids, ask your parents if you can help clean off their car!)
3. Shovel your elderly neighbor’s driveway and walkway
4. Spend time with your family- reconnect simply by talking, eating together, or even playing a game
5. Call family members who are far away and spend some time really catching up
6. Write letters to Israeli and American soldiers
7. Draw pictures for a senior home
8. Bake cookies and deliver them to a homeless shelter or food pantry
9. Make Rainbow Loom bracelets for children in the hospital
10. Clean out your closets and donate clothing and toys you don’t use anymore
11. Pray for someone who is sick
12. Skype with a friend and learn some Torah together
13. Kids, help your parents by taking care of your younger siblings- help them with their snow day packet!
14. Research organizations to get involved with
15. Being cooped up can make it easier to get annoyed with others or speak Lashon Hara so make sure to be patient and pay close attention to your speech

We hope these ideas and activities help you during your snow day. We’d love to hear if you use any of these ideas, so don’t forget to let us know via Facebook or Twitter! And remember, Areyvut is always available to help you get your projects to the appropriate agencies and foundations…enjoy the day!