More Tips to Involve Your Board and Board Members in Fund Development

Posted on August 19, 2013

Areyvut is always looking to engage on a deeper level with our board members and those in the community.  Here are tips that we can all utilize thanks to this article.  Click for a complete elaboration of each idea.  Here are the tips listed:

1) Create your organization’s story together.

2) With the board, define priorities for funding.

3) Require every board member to make a personal financial contribution.

4) Require that every board member help identify those who might be interested in your organization.

5) Require every board member to help nurture relationships with qualified prospects and current donors.

6) Board members can call donors to thank them for their gifts.

7) Ask some board members to help solicit.

8) Board members can write personal notes on direct mail solicitations.

9) invite a board member to share stories with you on a solicitation wall.

10) Board members can also go together or alne and personally solicit gifts.