Listing Responsibilities and Role Expectations Makes for Productive Work

Posted on August 27, 2013

This list (from HaYidion) of what is expected of the teachers at the Shlenker school, is an excellent reminder that we should all have a clear idea of our roles and responsibilities in order to do the best job we can for ourselves, our co-workers, and those we are working to help regardless of the job.  

Portrait of a Shlenker Teacher

As teachers at The Shlenker School, we are educators who demonstrate our dedication to our students, their families, our school’s curriculum, our colleagues, and our school leaders by respecting the Jewish character of our school and adhering to these professional responsibilities and standards:

Responsibilities To Our Students:

  • We will ensure the safety and needs of our students.
  • We will provide a fun, loving learning environment.
  • We will provide a healthy and orderly learning environment in the classroom.
  • We will adjust our teaching styles to the learning styles of all students and their individual needs.
  • We will foster independence and self-confidence in our students by providing opportunities for them to develop social skills.
  • We will take advantage of teachable moments and explore all academic possibilities.
  • We will foster an environment which encourages all students to respect themselves and others.
  • We will help our students understand that mistakes provide us with opportunities to learn.
  • We will praise and acknowledge accomplishments.
  • We will guide our student to love, understand and appreciate Jewish values.

Responsibilities To Our School’s Curriculum

  • We will introduce and teach the curriculum based on common core standards, providing differentiated instruction and individualized attention.
  • We will create a student-centered environment that promotes out-of-the-box thinking and hands-on experiences.
  • We will continually update lessons and materials so they are age-appropriate and meet the needs of every student.
  • We will align our curriculum vertically by working with other grade levels.
  • We will keep current with curriculum trends by attending workshops to improve our knowledge.
  • We will provide curriculum that connects to our students’ lives.
  • We will foster and value the understanding that students come from different backgrounds.
  • We will ensure success by using measurable standards and holding students accountable for them.
  • We will integrate technology into our lessons.
  • We will integrate Jewish content into secular curriculum by looking at our instruction through a Jewish lens.

Responsibilities To Our Students’ Families

  • We will view families as partners in their children’s education.
  • We will keep in constant, honest communication with families regarding weekly activities, academics and behavior.
  • We will make families feel secure that their children are in a safe and friendly environment.
  • We will listen to families’ concerns, follow up, and make our best effort to ensure a positive outcome.
  • We will be respectful, friendly, open-minded towards all Shlenker families.

Responsibilities Toward Our Colleagues

  • We will cooperate and collaborate with other teachers by planning together, supporting new ideas, being flexible and open-minded, and inclusive of all team members.
  • We will support each other by providing guidance and emotional care for new teachers or those in need of our help.
  • We will demonstrate professionalism by handling disagreements privately and by following the school’s procedures.
  • We will respect each other’s differences, strengths and weaknesses.
  • We will, when necessary, agree to disagree and move forward.
  • We will create a non-competitive environment among ourselves.
  • We will share our work with teammates and partners.
  • We will feel comfortable enough to seek help from our colleagues
  • We will respect the work environment by maintaining focus on student learning.
  • We will refrain from gossip.
  • We will support non-Jewish teachers by helping them understand Jewish culture, values, and grade-level Jewish content.

Responsibilities To Our School Leaders

  • We will be up to date on, adhere to and implement school policies accordingly.
  • We will inform administration promptly if there is an issue with parents, guardians, or grandparents in the classroom so that they are aware of any potential issues.
  • We will be professional and respectful of each administrator’s time and responsibilities and acknowledge the school hierarchy.
  • We will provide the necessary paperwork, information and communications within a day or the stated time to administration.
  • We will know and follow the policies included in The Shlenker School Personnel Handbook and Parent and Student Handbook.
  • We will support schoolwide functions through participation and attendance.
  • We will share successes as well as problems and issues with administration.