Project Tikkun Olam

Posted on May 23, 2013

Rabbi Aaron Starr, a rabbi at Congregation Shaarey Zedek in Southfield, Michigan decided that he wanted his congregation to understand the importance of community service in Jewish life.  His congregation therefore started an annual project entitled Project Tikkun Olam.  This was a yearly day of service where families would dedicate their morning to doing some sort of activity to help others in need.  He continues in this article to discuss the importance of giving students and the broader community opportunities to participate in organized chesed.

Project Tikkun Olam is a great initiative.  While we believe that it is important to engage in chesed activities every day of our lives, it is also extremely valuable and meaningful to dedicate a day to tikkun olam.  I hope that communities all over the world will institute this kind of initiative as well.