Similar Differences – Learning From A New Report About Engaging Teens

Posted on April 23, 2013

     A new report titled, “Effective Strategies for Educating and Engaging Jewish Teens” put out by The Jim Joseph Foundation has much to offer any Jewish non-profit organization that interacts with teenagers and encourages their involvement with community and Jewish values.  This review of the report, from EJewish Philanthropy’s Dr. Jeffrey S. Kress, makes a great point in saying that, “A fundamental lesson from this study is that even with the major shifts in the context around us (and these are indeed serious shifts…growing up ‘these days’ is unique in many ways), there are key fundamentals that remain crucial. Yes there are certainly major differences in the developmental context of today’s youth. But, to paraphrase a saying by Dale Berra (Yogi’s son), ‘while today’s youth may be different from their predecessors, their differences are similar.'”  Click on the report itself for a thorough understanding of how best to engage teens “now-a-days” and learn about what effective strategies other organizations have been applying.