Play Doh Education

Posted on February 20, 2013

Areyvut is thrilled to be one of the educational resource providers for J-LINC (Linking, Innovation, Networks and Community), an initiative of The Jewish Education Project and supported by a grant from the Covenant Foundation to create intergenerational and developmentally appropriate Jewish education programming for families with children ages five years and younger.

Today was the first professional development session.  At the session, we were each given Play Doh and told to play with it for a few minutes.  We were then asked what can change and what stays the same with the Play Doh.  I thought it was a great exercise not only to launch this new initiative but one that can be used in a variety of settings.  

At the outset of any program, it is important for educators to:

  • understand that regardless of the program that some things will not change 
  • identify their goals and objectives
  • have a way to measure, evaluate and assess if they achieve their goals 
  • constantly reflect and to make changes as necessary

For most Areyvut programs we are seeking a change in knowledge and behavior.  We want people to know and do things differently as a result of their participation.  I am not sure what program we will do yet for J-LINC but certainly plan on using this Play Doh exercise again and will properly acknowledge Sue, Susan and the entire J-LINC team.  

I am grateful to The Jewish Education Project and the Covenant Foundation for this opportunity and look forward to learning with and from my colleagues and to sharing more about lessons I glean with you.