Planning a Group Social Justice Project

Posted on January 22, 2013

Areyvut is proud to be one of the educational service providers in the Westchester Jewish Teen Learning Initiative (WJTLI), an exciting project from The Jewish Education Project. As part of the program we are leading a program on Ethical Issues at Kol Ami. We have finished discussing several ethical issues and will develop a group project relating to an issue that the group selects at the next session.  The form below is an approach to use when working with a group to establish a social justice project. 

Where Do I Go From Here: Project Planning

A) The Basics:

Your project idea:

What community need or Ethical Issue does your project address?

Why is this project important to you?
What do you hope to accomplish with this project?

How will you evaluate the success of your idea or project?

B) Resources:

What supplies do you need in order to complete your project?

Where can you get all of the supplies you need? 

Do you need help from others?  If yes, in what way?

Do you need money to bring this to fruition?  How much?

C) Partners:

What organizations do you know of that also address this need or issue?

If you do not know of any, how might you find some?
Can any of these organizations help you?

Would it be helpful to contact any of these organizations?

D) Getting Started:

What are the next steps in planning and implementing your project?