Posted on December 26, 2012
Yes you read the title correctly. It says Aveira Day which is a “day of sin” and one may think it’s the opposite of Mitzvah Day but it is not, at least that’s not the intention. The idea of Aveira Day is the brainchild of a donor who is a passionate and commited Jew. I will not reveal his identify unless he tells me I can but trust me, he, his wife and children are all observant and for them there is nothing more important than their Judaism His goal is to educate students in mitzvot that they do not normally learn about but still must follow. The donor feels (and I happen to agree) that when day schools plan a Mitzvah Fair they select mitzvot that everyone already knows about such as Shabbat, tzedakah, etc. His goal with Aveira Day is to educate students and the broader community about mitzvot which one should not trangess that are not as popular as others. Such as:
If you are interested in bringing Aveira Day to your school or community please let me ([email protected]) know. Please note that the donor has indicated that he will only fund this program in Orthodox schools and that it must be called Aveira Day. You can hold it around Purim and put it under the framwork of v’nahafoch hu. As you know, Areyvut is pluralistic and transdemoninational but we are just adhering to the donors guidelines.