Posted on November 23, 2012
We are participating in American Express Small Business Saturday and thanks to our good friend Andrew Parver of HFBA we are now offering you the opportunity to utilize this promotion to purchase tickets for our 7th Annual Uncle Moishy Concert on New Year’s Day. We are sensitive to the economic situation and want as many people as possible to take advantage of this promotion and opportunity so please pass this along to your friends, neighbors and relatives.
To facilitate your participation the Areyvut office will be open on Saturday night from 7-9 PM. If you have any questions please call us at (201) 244-6702. Thanks in advance and have a Shabbat Shalom!
Small Business Saturday is that day between Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It’s a day where you can get out, shop locally and support a small business (or in our case, nonprofit)…like us!
American Express hosts Small Business Saturday and it can benefit both you and Areyvut. Purchase tickets to our upcoming Uncle Moishy Concert using your AMEX card on November 24th and AMEX will credit your account on your next statement. You can buy as many tickets as you want but will only get a credit for $25 from AMEX. Follow these steps to participate:
Step 1: Enroll Your Card
Click here to enroll your American Express Card for Small Business Saturday.
Step #2: Charge Your Card
On Saturday make the first $25 you spend on your enrolled American Express Card go towards your tickets to Areyvut’s 7th Annual Uncle Moishy Concert at no cost to you.
Best wishes for a joyous and peaceful Shabbat!