The Demography of Fear

Posted on October 4, 2012

     In this amazing article, Donniel Hartman raises the great point that we should be taking action to make a difference in our Jewish community rather than being pessimistic and using fear as a tactic of getting things done.  “The great benefit of demography is that it allows different visions and ideas to tailor their educational strategies to maximize their potential effectiveness in shaping our future.  We don’t need a demography of fear; we need a demography of aspirations and responsibility.”  We can all benefit from reading this article and recognizing that in our own communities there is much to be gained from the different people we live with.  The Jewish people need to work together as Hartman writes, “our task is to hold on to our loyalty to our people and to a vision of its future, to dispel despair and get busy.”  We at Areyvut firmly believe in uniting our fellow Jews within the community and beyond.  We’d love to work with you and further this mission of uniting the Jewish people and creating a better world.