Finding the Child in Us

Posted on October 26, 2012

Here you can read a story of an amazing 6-year-old boy named Zach Bonner who knew exactly what to do when disaster struck, and he actually put his plan into action.  When his family had extra food and supplies after Hurricane Charley missed them, he decided to bring this food to people who were not as prepared for the storm.  This seems like a logical and simple act, but how many of us would have actually done it?  The article discusses how sometimes children are more able to put plans into action because of their relative simplicity.  They don’t over-analyze and think about things as much as adults do.  They have an idea and they do it.

Zach has taken his act of kindness to unbelievable heights, and now as a teenager, has started an organization called the Little Red Wagon Foundation, has a film about his efforts, and travels around the country to get people to help the homeless.  He still has that spirit of giving within him that inspires so many to do good.

Perhaps sometimes we need to adopt a child’s mindset when it comes to being proactive in our lives.  We might have an amazing idea but second-guess ourselves and never even make an attempt.  If we try to think like a child, we could be less critical of ourselves and just do the amazing things that we are meant to do, especially when it comes to acts of kindness like Zach’s.