Nurturing Peoplehood in Practice

Posted on August 15, 2012

     In Abi Dauber Sterne’s section of “The Peoplehood Papers 8,” the future of the younger generations is spoken about in terms of creating a sense of Jewish purpose for them.  “As the organized Jewish world strives to cultivate the next generation of peoplehood-conscious Jewish leaders and learners, we must design opportunities for students to engage in Jewish values, ideas, and actions daily and habitually.”  This is the very idea behind our “Kindness a Day calendar”  which provides teens, and truly everyone, with ideas for chesed opportunities.  When a Jewish idea is introduced and expressed daily, not only is it imbuing life with more Jewish values, but it encourages social action and spiritual growth as well.  We are open to suggestions for expanding the calendar and if you have any additions or ideas that you would like to see in the calendar, please emails us at [email protected].