Posted on August 21, 2012
In Yonatan Glasser’s segment of “The Peoplehood Papers 8,” is a section titled “Building the Future.” In that section he describes how the Jewish Agency’s Project T.E.N. (Tikkun Empowerment Network), will allow young Jews from Israel and around the world to work together on social-justice projects together. The three month program has three “interacting dimensions” which Areyvut also holds for its fellows program that we are currently planning. The three dimensions are: “1) Community: a thriving Jewish community of young people, living Jewish Peoplehood…including a first-hand engagement with global belonging and obligation. 2) Social Justice: participants will participate in, learn from, and contribute to local social-change / development projects. 3) Learning: ongoing engagement with their own experience, central strands of Jewish history / pasts, ideas / texts, and deepen their capacity to envisage and shape the future.” We here at Areyvut aim to have a successful fellows program where our fellows interact and join with the communities they are assigned to in order to build “community” and “learn” from one another by participating in programs that strive for “social justice.” If you are interested in learning about our vision for this exciting new program, please contact us [email protected].