Posted on August 30, 2012
In this interesting article from, “The Peoplehood Papers 8,” Bill Robinson writes about rituals that bond us as an integral part of staying connected as a people and keeping Judaism relevant. “The challenge of Jewish Peoplehood is to (re)discover our shared bonds and common purpose as Jews in this emerging 3rd era of Jewish history. This has less to do with education (though it has an important role) and more to do with embracing sacred ritual.” Robinson explains that there are new ways Jews are connecting with each other such as sukkah hops and bike rides which build community and strengthen our bonds to one another. He proposes that we “find and spread the more secularized sacred rituals that are already emerging” and use them to connect with our fellow Jew. I agree with this idea of using events that people are attending and enabling them to be anchored in Jewish values and ideals. We at Areyvut have bowling fundraisers and other such fun programs which appeal to teenagers and adults in order to create an atmosphere that’s fun and rooted in chesed, tzedakah, and tikkun olam. Being Jewish is fun and worthwhile and allowing others to experience that is of the utmost importance.