Nurturing Jewish Peoplehood in the 21st Century

Posted on July 24, 2012

     The relationship between Diaspora and Israeli Jews are the focus of this great article.   The premise is that Israel is the leader of the Jewish people and that we in the Diaspora need to foster our relationships with our brethren in Israel.  One of the reasons I particularly enjoy this article is because it echoes the sentiment of teamwork I feel very strongly about.  There’s a saying that TEAM stands for “Together Everyone Achieves More.”  Wherever we reside in the world, we must be connected to one another as a people and recognize that when we work together everyone truly does achieve more.  Here at Areyvut we gladly work hands on in the community helping as many people as we can and enabling others who want to help, with the right tools to allow them to do just that.  We thank anyone who has been a part of the Areyvut team, doing chesed and making a big difference.  Kol hakavod!