Help Fund a Project that Interests You! Donors Choose!

Posted on June 11, 2012

     If you haven’t yet heard about, get ready to learn about an amazing organization.  Donors Choose is “an online charity connecting you to classrooms in need.”  This means that you can choose a project that needs funding in a classroom, and donate money which goes to that project directly!  You can search by school subject or even by projects that are classified as “most urgent = highest poverty.”  Next to each teacher’s future project is the amount of money needed in order to complete it, allowing you to see the progress of your chosen project.

     I love this website because it puts the power into hands of the donor’s, teacher’s and the students!  The donor gets to choose what they will help out with,Teachers get to list what they need, and the students get to benefit from the funded project.  Everybody wins!  The music and arts in many schools are often struck down by budget cuts.  Thanks to Donors Choose, classrooms can still get their instruments and make their music.  No longer do teachers have to feel helpless if there is a project they feel strongly about but cannot find funding for.  There is sure to be someone visiting Donors Choose who is more than willing to help them meet their goal and secure the project.

     So if you didn’t click that link above yet, why not explore this great venue for doing good?  Check it out, explore the site, and donate some of your tzedakah (charity) money to the teachers and students who need it over at!