Posted on June 14, 2012
website builder Today is World Blood Donor Day! The World Health Organization says that today is a day to honor every blood donor and to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products globally. Donating blood is a great way to help those around you. Every blood donor is a hero. Each donation can save up to three lives!!!!! Today celebrates all you blood donors out there, past and present, near and far, young and young-at-heart. I remember first giving blood in high school and had such a great experience that I promised myself I’d try and give blood twice a year. My roommate Tova in Stern even ran the blood drives! I would donate blood twice a year for 3 years but have since then stopped donating since it made me sick to the point that the nurses told me it wasn’t worth it to give. I might try again another day though! Today inspires me to remember the times that I did give in both Israel and America and to think about the beauty of donating blood and helping those in need. So if you can donate blood, make an appointment! You’ll be glad you did…and so will the people that you save.
With my madricha (advisor) Perry, donating blood after a day of medical clowning at Hadassah Har Hazofim Hospital in Jerusalem |