Posted on March 11, 2012
There is a Mitzvah Project Book that serves as inspiration for projects Bnai Mitzvah can carry out for their Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Featured in the book is 17-year-old Jessica Mielke who has been volunteering at the Jubilee Cafe, a restaurant-style cafe for those in need around the Lawrence Kansas community, since her Bat Matzvah. Every summer Jessica volunteers at the Jubilee Cafe, and when she comes back from college next year she plans on spending her summer morning volunteering as well. Areyvut applauds Jessica’s dedication towards making a difference in the lives of others and in stamping out hunger! She is a great example for teens and adults everywhere reminding us all that a few days a week and some serious commitment can accomplish a lot. If you need help planning a Bnai Mitzvah project don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Areyvut by phone at (201) 244-6702.