The Campaign for Youth Engagement: A Call to Action

Posted on February 22, 2012

     I just read an exciting article titled, ” The Campaign for Youth Engagement: A Call to Action.”  In his article, Rabbi Jonah Pesner highlights the amazing work that the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) is doing to make sure that Bnai Mitzvah continue to thrive in their Judaism long after their Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebrations have taken place.  Their “goal is nothing less than hoping that by the year 2020, [they] will have the majority of Jewish youth active in Jewish life” with the use of “immersive experiences” such as camp, Israel programs, and volunteer service, all of which are found to be key elements in making a lasting impact on teens.  We applaud the URJ’s new campaign on engaging teens and we at Areyvut look forward to working with them and sharing our experiences so that we too can help “play a catalytic role in the creation of the Jewish future.”