How To Be a Strategic Philanthropist
Posted on December 27, 2011
Bruce Deboskey’s article lists some very good questions which can be found in the book Give Smart: Philanthropy that Gets Results. I find these questions to be very thought provoking and believe that all of us can benefit from asking ourselves these questions in order to get a better idea about ourselves.
– What are my values and beliefs?
– What is “success” and how can it be achieved?
– What am I accountable for?
– What will it take to get the job done?
– How do I work with grantees?
– Am I getting better?
Here at Areyvut, we make sure to engage with the teens we work with, listening to their ideas for mitzvah projects as well as their ideas on which organizations they express interest in. Finding out what our own interests are and what we’re passionate about can be the first step to meaningful philanthropy that continues on through the years.