Granting Money to Awesome Ideas

Posted on October 10, 2011

     When I first started Areyvut I created a list of ideas that I wanted to implement and one of them was (and still is) to fund innovative ideas that students and other individuals come up with.  I was reminded of this goal of mine when I read an article titled “New Philanthropists Quick to Support ‘Awesome’ Projects and Creators” found in the Edmonton Journal online.  The article talks about the approach of young adults today which is a mentality of “‘I can do it on my own.  I can figure out information, I have the tools at my disposal.  So just watch me.”  Given the funding, these thinkers make their ideas a reality which benefit various causes.  The article pictures a student named Ryan Beck who was given a $1,000 grant from the Edmonton Awesome Foundation to start his drama program for youth living on the street.  The foundation grants money to ideas that are “awesome” and its trustees “are all friends of friends or business associates with an average age of 32.”  I love that this foundation puts the power in the hands of the people who have the tools to make positive change in their communities.  Great ideas should be supported and brought to fruition and it’s exciting that the Awesome Foundation does just that.