Causes that Interest YOU and the Chai Mitzvah Program

Posted on October 9, 2011

     Here at Areyvut, we work with you to choose a cause that you’ll be interested in supporting.  We think it’s great when Jews give to Jewish causes and are happy to help you help others.  In “Energizing American Jews,” Abigail Pickus brings the idea of a “chai mitzvah” which Scott Shay writes about in his book Getting Our Groove Back: How to Energize American Jewry.  The chai mitzvah is “a bar or bat mitzvah renewal every 18 years” and this idea inspired a program on the East Coast!

     The website of the Chai Mitzvah program explains a bit more clearly what their objective is:  

Chai Mitzvah, a new life-cycle event, deepens Jewish engagement and builds community through 5 simple steps: 

1. Learning about Jewish heritage
2. Participating in a new ritual
3. Engaging in social action with a Jewish flavor
4. Joining a community discussion

5. Celebrating your achievement 

     Sounds good to us!  Keep up the good work, Chai Mitzvah!  We applaud your efforts to deepen the connection of the Jewish people through chesed and learning.
     To learn more about the Chai Mitzvah program click here!