International Clown Week!

Posted on August 2, 2011

     Mitzvah Clowning is one of the aspects of Areyvut that continues to thrive and deliver smiles to those who need some cheering up.  As a proud Mitzvah Clown myself, I was very excited to learn about “International Clown Week!”  International Clown Week is the first week in August and celebrates all the good that clowns do for others.  Clowns celebrate by performing in malls and going to nursing homes among other festive activities.  Being a Mitzvah Clown is an amazing experience which enables a person to freely interact with others and make them smile and laugh.  It is a fantastic experience and here at Areyvut we are so proud to offer the clowning experience to teenagers and others who want to bring some cheer into the lives of those around them.