Posted on August 25, 2011
“Improve the Odds: Leadership Moment for the Jewish Federations,” an article written by Karen Klieger Sponder (the program director at JOFA), highlights the exciting news that the ratio of women to men as the top professional in their federations will be raised from 1:20 to 2:20 with the employment of Deborah Corber as Chief Executive Officer to the Federation CJA of Montreal. “Those of us interested in women’s leadership within Jewish communal service should take a moment to appreciate the sound of an additional crack being made in this glass ceiling.” Areyvut is also proud of this new ratio. In addition, we are proud that 3 of our 7 members on the board of directors are women. “The new 2:20 ratio still offers opportunities for improvement, especially when one considers that women make up two-thirds of Jewish communal professionals,” Sponder writes. This is an exciting time for women and Areyvut is excited to take part in the progress that is being made.