Response to JDub Closing

Posted on July 28, 2011

     The news of JDub closing down has sparked much discussion on what happened and how it can be prevented for other organizations in the future.  In her article Maya Bernstein writes that, “JDub’s work is still relevant, exciting, and filling a need in the Jewish community.  If our community does not step up, putting its financial support behind innovation, those of us in the innovation sector are set up to fail.  And all of those thousands of constituents inspired by the programs and ideas being offered are going to head off in other directions.”  In order to ensure that an organization succeeds we need to make sure that our best efforts are spent gaining financial support for our programs and organizations especially beyond the start-up phase.  Everyone loves a new organization, but it’s up to us as “innovators” to keep coming up with new ideas that make our organizations worth supporting so that the support keeps on coming.  May we all learn from the great things that JDub has accomplished and learn how to strengthen our own organizations as well.