Reimagining Our Communal Structures

Posted on July 25, 2011

     At Areyvut, maintaining innovation and creativity are an important aspect of our work with young Jews, and this article features some great insights.  Dr. Stephen Hazan Arnoff, the Executive Director of the 14th Street Y in New York City, has plenty of experience when it comes to a “sustainable culture of creativity and innovation in the Jewish world” and shares his experience in this brief but informative article.  He tells that he and his team “reimaged the equities of our basic operations, including the physical plant and our programs base, mixing established innovators from the creative class with our own ideas and skills.”  At Areyvut we work with our team of board-members and ask for feedback from them in addition to our volunteers and interns in order to better our organization and its programs.  We aim to keep up our creativity and constantly cultivate new ideas that can be beneficial to everyone.  This article is a must-read for anyone who values creativity and innovation in the workplace.