Here, There and Everywhere…The Interns Have Arrived!

Posted on June 23, 2011

For several years now I have said that summertime is the best time in the Areyvut office. It is the time when laughter (hopefully) can be heard from miles away and the office furniture is all used up. Though I have been welcoming new Areyvut interns for several summers now, somehow this group and this summer is different.

In a typical year, there is a certain amount of time that has to pass before the interns feel comfortable in the office. That is to say, that they loosen up, joke around and if we’re lucky at the very end of the summer, there may be a prank or two. (Note: Pranks are only funny when they are done on someone else.)

While I am happy that our newest interns, Jordana, Rebecca, Robin and Uri, enjoy spending time with us and know how to have a good time in the office…I would be lying if I didn’t make note of the fact that I am actually nervous come Monday morning. This coming Monday I will be flying back from (G-d willing) my friend’s wedding in Washington, DC. Believe me when I tell you, I will be taking all of my belongings home with me…every picture, every knickknack every single thing I deem to be important will be leaving the office with me on Friday.

Though the office is a more lively and energetic place right now, that’s not to say that work is not getting done. We have Jordana working on programs, Rebecca who is single-handedly revamping “Make a Difference” Day, Robin sorting the entire calendar into themes and Uri who will be responsible for all grants this summer. While I have no doubt that this summer will be a fun filled one…I also have no doubt that it will be a productive one as well.