Posted on June 27, 2011
David Waksberg’s article begins with the story of the spies who went into Israel to see what it was truly like before the children of Israel entered the Promised Land. He writes of how the scouts reported positive points about the land but also risks of entering the land. Joshua and Caleb were the optimists in the group who felt that they should still enter the land of Israel. Waksberg calls for more risk-taking and writes that, “despite growing interest in ‘venture philanthropy,’ much Jewish philanthropy discourages risk-taking and contributes to rise-averse behavior among Jewish leaders.” His article details “some strategies philanthropists and central agencies can follow” to be more like the leaders that Joshua and Caleb were. I personally believe that we all can benefit from stepping out of our comfort zone and into new and exciting projects with the right information and guidance. See the article for more details on how to be a better leader by making bold, innovative, and educated decisions.