Resources for Enhancing your Passover

Posted on April 14, 2011

If you are like me you have been receiving tons of e-mails from friends, family and organizations wishing you a Happy Passover. You probably have also been busy shopping, cooking, cleaning and involved in all sorts of Passover preparations. You may not have had as much time as you thought you would to prepare for the seder. So here are some resources and videos that you can use to enhance your experience:

  • Shalom Sesame- Children, adults and all Le Miserables fans will enjoy this video.
  • The JTA brings us the top 10 Ma Nishtana videos and 90 years of Passover reporting. (It is important for us to acknowledge the JTA for all they do for the community on a daily basis and no they did not ask me for the plug but I really think they provide a value but often over looked resource.)
  • We are told to relate the story to modern events and the Forward relates four characters from Glee to the four sons. If you are not a fan of Glee feel free to substitute your favorite show and discuss amongst yourselves at your seder.
  • Our friends at Tzedek have developed a companion to the Haggadah.
  • In the event that you have not seen Aish’s Google Exodus check it out. It is cool.
  • You can also print out Clal’s card. It always adds to the dialogue at my seder.
  • Chabad has loads of resources and I especially like their Itche Kadoozy show. It is entertaining and educational.
  • If you are still looking for resources check out Yeshiva University’s Pesach to Go and you can also access materials from previous years.
  • WeRepair has lots of social justice and service related resources to enhance your holiday.
  • Areyvut has some suggestions for ways to infuse your holiday with service and I invite you to check out Areyvut’s S.E.D.E.R.

For all of us at Areyvut we wish you a Chag Kasher V’Sameach, a meaningful and rewarding holiday.

Please note that we plan to take off some time from blogging for the holiday but invite you to spend some time looking at our old blog posts and hope to see you soon.