H.O.P.E. is Back

Posted on March 1, 2011

With the help of a grant from Targum Shlishi, Areyvut’s Jewish Teen Philanthropy program H.O.P.E. which stands for Helping Organizations Provide Essentials returns to Yeshivat Noam this month. The program is for geared for 7th graders and we look forward to building on the success of last year’s program. Below is a tentative schedule and overview of the program.

Session #1- Introduction to H.O.P.E. & Philanthropy

During this initial program, participants will be asked to participate in group exercises to foster a feeling of unity and team building. Facilitators will introduce the group to philanthropy and discuss how it can be compared and contrasted with community service and tzedakah. The group will also touch upon the notion of giving “Jewishly”, what that concept entails and how it pertains to them.

Session #2- Area of Focus & Mission Statement
Program participants will be presented with a vast array of potential areas of focus ranging from education to hunger and poverty to the environment. Students will work collaboratively to determine the area they would like to focus on and develop a mission statement. This mission statement will then be utilized by the students in determining the type of organization(s) they will potentially support financially.

Session #3- Review of Organizations
Students will be presented with a number of organizations that fit the area of focus they would like to address as indicated in their mission statement. Participants will review information about these organizations and compare the organizations’ needs with their mission statement and the area they are looking to support. By the end of this session the group will select which organization(s) they want to invite to send RFPs.

Session #4- Create & Send RFP
During this session the group will learn what an Request for Proposal (RFP) is, create one and send it to no more than five organizations of interest.

Session #5- RFP Review & Invite Organizations to Information Session
Students will have the opportunity to review the RFPs that were distributed to organizations during the previous session. They will then determine collaboratively which organization(s) they would like to invite to meet with for their on-site site visit at the school. No more than three organizations will be invited to attend the site visit.

Session #6- Site Visits
Representatives from the organization(s) still under consideration for funding will meet with the group. The students will have the opportunity to ask questions to learn more about the organization(s) and specific programs that they are interested in supporting.

Session #7- Allocations Determinations
The group will work together to determine how much funding each organization should receive and learn about Rambam’s Hierarchy of Tzedakah.

Session #8- Chesed Activity
The group will engage in a hands-on chesed activity for a local organization in need.

Session #9- Commencement Celebration

Parents and teachers will be invited to attend this celebration during which the students will review what they learned throughout the program year, share information and present checks to the agencies they decided to support.

I invite you to help support this program and to help bring this type of program to your school and community.