Why Jewish Texts?

Posted on January 7, 2011

In preparation for my lunch and learn for JTFN on “Beyond Rambam’s Ladder: Incorporating Jewish Wisdom in Jewish Teen Philanthropy Programs” I want to share some of the reasons why I believe Jewish texts are important for a Jewish Teen Philanthropy Program including:

  • This Jewish connection adds new meaning to the program’s goals.
  • Jewish texts are essential as a means of building a Jewish community of learners.
  • Provides additional Jewish education for participants who do not participate in other formal Jewish programs.
  • Provides new perspectives for participants who do participate in other formal Jewish programs.
  • Enables all participants to learn from each other and share their perspective.
  • This aspect of the program is something that stays with participants long after the program ends.
  • Incorporating Jewish texts can often add some energy and excitement into the program.
  • We have Jewish texts on every topic you will address or fund and studying them adds values and puts them into a context.
  • It is good for participants, parents, recruiting, funding and the community.
  • They are fun and add a great deal to a program.
  • You cannot have a successful Jewish Teen Philanthropy Program without this component.

The materials I develop for the lunch and learn will be available here and I will share more next week.