Three Resolutions for the New Year

Posted on January 9, 2011

     Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks offers up three resolutions for the new year which is upon us.  The first is to thank G-d.  “You might be ill, your children rebellious, your business terrible, but you thanked G-d…They were not fools…they felt close to G-d.  After all, he prayed in the same synagogue that they did.”  The second is to love.  He mentions that “if only” is the opposite of love and allows us to dwell on what we don’t have opposed to what we do.  “If only” holds us back.  He gives us a fantastic line and says, “You don’t have to be religious to love, but you have to love to be religious.”  The third resolution is to pray, which “opens our eyes to the wonder of the world” and connects us with G-d.  May this year be a year of coming closer to G-d and our fellow Jews through gratitude, love, prayer, chesed, tzedakah, and tikkun olam.