Help Us Serve The Community

Posted on December 28, 2010

I am asking you to consider Areyvut in your year-end charitable giving.

2010 has been a great year at Areyvut. We have done a tremendous amount and directly impacted more than 1000 students while working with more than 110 agencies.

With your help, support and involvement Areyvut can do even more in 2011.

Areyvut engages tweens and teens in Jewish “wow” moments that last a lifetime. We empower individuals to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others. We show participants that the Jewish community and the world values and needs their involvement. Areyvut works on the cutting edge of youth programming to engage students in both service and philanthropy and in doing so, Areyvut ignites in its participants a lifelong commitment to helping others, particularly within a Jewish context, and demonstrates that Judaism is practical, relevant, and exciting.

Isn’t this what life and Judaism is all about? Please join us. We need your help. We invite your participation and involvement.

With your help, support and involvement Areyvut can do even more in 2011. Give now, so we can continue to teach students, their families and communities about the core Jewish values of chesed, tzedakah and tikkun olam. Our mailing address is:

147 South Washington Avenue
Bergenfield, NJ 07621

You can donate online at

I want to publically thank all those that have already contributed thus far for enabling Areyvut to continue our important work in the community. Thank you for your partnership.

There is a real need for relevant, innovative programming to engage Jewish tweens and teens. Though this cohort is at a developmental point when community support is key, it is often neglected by programs that focus on older teens or younger children. Areyvut programs are specifically developed for students in middle school and the early years of high school. We provide leadership opportunities for tweens and young teens that are meaningful and enable participants to further develop their Jewish identities.

Don’t you think this is important? If you didn’t you would not be on this site or have read this far. So what are you waiting for? Make a contribution today so that we can reach, impact and inspire even more students, families and communities next year.

Thanks in advance for your consideration and support. Your year-end contribution will enable us to build on our already existing programming and do even more in 2011.