De-Constructing Criticism

Posted on December 3, 2010

Are you looking for something to discuss at the Shabbat table with your family? Here is a scenario that Team Areyvut developed. Feel free to modify as necessary and as always we welcome your feedback.

Jaime is sitting in her social studies class. Jaime likes social studies, but unlike a lot of her friends she doesn’t have to spend that much time on her homework or studying for tests because she just has a natural ability to understand and retain the knowledge quickly.

On Wednesday Ms. Worldly, Jaime’s social studies teacher, hands out a homework assignment to the class which is due on Friday. Over the next two days, Jaime spends little time on this assignment while the rest of the class has been spending hours on it.

On Sunday Ms. Worldly is grading the assignments so she can hand them back to her students on Monday. Jaime completed the assignment, but did so in a sloppy manner and did not answer questions in full sentences. In the section where she was supposed to draw a picture of England, Jaime drew a giant circle with an arrow pointing to a dot that she indicated was England on a globe. Though Jaime did complete the assignment, Ms. Worldly could tell that she did not put in a great deal of effort. Jaime received a C+ on her assignment and in her comments Ms. Worldly suggested putting in more effort to achieve a higher grade next time.

  • How do you think Jaime is going to react?
  • How would you react if you were Jaime?
  • Do you think Jaime will take Ms. Wordly’s comments as constructive criticism or something else?
  • Do you think it is easy to take criticism? Why or why not?
  • What is the best way for someone to criticize you without angering the other person?
  • Do you think Jaime will take Ms. Worldly’s criticism personally?
  • What can Jaime learn from Ms. Worldly’s comments?