Clowns Singing Yiddish Songs @ Daughters of Miriam

Posted on December 13, 2010

Yesterday some of Areyvut’s Mitzvah Clowns who are students at Yeshivat Noam participated in a visit to Daughters of Miriam coordinated by the schools Middot Committee. Here is the feedback I received:

I have to thank you for your wonderful idea to have the Mitzvah Clowns participate at the Daughters of Miriam visit yesterday. The residents (and everyone else) loved them. The Mitzvah Clowns were all very polite and courteous, and very caring towards the residents. Each one of the Mitzvah Clowns interacted beautifully with the residents. They also blew up animal balloons and gave them out. One of them (Eli) politely asked the accordion player if he knew certain songs and then Eli sang some Yiddish songs for the residents. The residents were beaming! Eli also encouraged some residents to sing the songs with him. As you can well imagine, they loved it.

As a matter of fact, on the way out, one of the aides came into the elevator and asked if Eli and the other Mitzvah Clowns could come to the other lounge to see the residents. They had heard how terrific they were and didn’t want to be left out. They went back and Eli sang a couple of Yiddish songs for them too. The residents and staff were very appreciative!

I’m sure they will be talking about our visit today for a long time. The Mitzvah Clowns really cheered everyone up and truly enhanced the experience for us all. Thanks again!